Foreigners and Citizenship Law
As Reka Bureau of Law, we managed to reach hundreds of successful endings in Foreigners and Citizenship Law field thanks to our experience of long years. Now, to share our experience with our new customers and get quick results in their case we provide judicial consultancy services.
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Türk Vatandaşı Olduktan Sonra Bilinmesi Gerekenler (PDF)
What You Need To Know After Becoming A Turkish Citizen (PDF)
For detailed information, you can read the text below.
Foreigners Law is the field of law that builds up from the rules that a governmenty or a country applies for foreign people coming inside their borders. Foreigners law is basically based on the principle of reciprocity, the rules which are going to apply to the foreign people are different for the foreign persons’ nationality.
Foreign people’s entrance, stay and leave processes and for the foreign people who request protection from Turkey, the extent and application of protection are determined by law #6458, “Foreigners and International Protection Law”, went in effect in 2013; foreign people’s entrance to Turkey and all kind of processes are coordinated by Directorate General of Migration Management, under the Ministry of Interior.
Foreign people’s entrance to Turkey might be rejected following from the law and it can be denied as well. For both verdicts, there are ways to object to it and the process of objection changes to the reason.
Aside from that, to keep foreign people’s working in Turkey permit-required and to determine basic rules for working permits for foreigners, law #4817, “Law Regarding Foreign People Work Permits” went in effect in 2003. In this law, some exclusions for foreigners to work are mentioned dn, it is determined that work permit can be given to foreigners under these exclusions. For foreign people to obtain property is regulated by law #2644, “Land Registry Law” and some other private laws and; under certain limitations, it is possible for foreigners obtain property in Turkey.
Beside all these:
#5543, “Settlement Law”, which regulates immigrants, unsettled people, people with enacted lands, settlement acts for national security, basic rules to follow through for regulating the phsyical locatings and the precautions, the rights and oblgations of the settled people,
#5682, “Passport Law”,
#5901, “Turkish Citizenship Law” which determines the basic rules regarding affairs for earning or loss of Turkish Citizenship,
#4875, “Direct Foreign Investments Law” which includes the treatment methods to direct foreign investments are included in the legislation which builds up to the Foreigners Law.
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